CLASSES POSTPONED DUE TO HURRICANE IAN FEES WILL BE RETURNED TO ALL WHO REGISTERED Knowledge can be found in subtle places, like in the bottom of a cup. What wonder might you see in the leaves of your tea? Zora Rebecca, is our gifted intuitive teacher. With her help, attendees will be able to understand the process of tea leaf reading, from how to proceed (after sipping is done, of course) and then learn how to interpret what is seen. Guests shall work in tandem, so if you have an interested companion, do have them register too. If you independently sign up, we'll pair you with a new friend. Each individual will read tea leaves for their partner and also have their own tea leaves read by their partner, combining these to receive a double layer of understanding. Soul Convergence is honored to collude with Zora and to offer two dates to partake in this opportunity to learn to read tea leaves. Whether you choose to attend TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 2022
our class sizes will be limited
so everyone can easily
practice new skills
with Zora's mentoring.
A donation of $50
will be collected
for anyone who registers
within the seven days of the class
in which they sign up.
For those who
register and pay early,
(up until seven days prior to each class)
the class donation fee
will be reduced to $40.
Register now
by clicking the Eventbrite links
or by reaching out to us directly at

This event will happen at Soul Convergence in downtown New Port Richey. Classes will be held in our beautiful space beneath the oaks. Please dress appropriately for your comfort in the Florida climate. Click THIS LINK for the TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 class: Click THIS LINK for the SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 class: