Sunday, April 3rd
is my birthday.
What I’d most enjoy
in celebration,
is for you to please
spend some time with me
and with each other,
this upcoming
Sunday morning.
I’ll make muffins
and have some fruit to share,
as well water,
perhaps infused
with cucumbers
and mint.
Please bring your own
reusable water container
(even if you also
bring another drink,
in something else,
I'd like you to have
a water container
when we journey like this).
We are now
in our third week
of guided meditation practice.
Some folks like to lay beneath the trees
on blankets or mats.
Others like to sit in chairs,
supported with bolsters,
and whatnot.
(Bring what suits
your own needs, best,
to encourage
your greatest ease.)
When you RSVP,
I'll remit with more specifics
regarding our intention
and our location.
I’ll also be making
some announcements
about upcoming events,
and sharing
some of our wish-list.
As always,
our private gatherings
require you to RSVP
if you’d like to join us, friends.
Therefore, please send a note
with your response
via email at
or facebook messenger at
As always,
if you have faith in our endeavors
and/or you have
felt your soul nourished
in some way
through our Soul Convergence doings
or my own words and actions,
please do freely donate to help sustain us
by way of the donate button
within our website
(where all major credit cards
are accepted, through Paypal):
or Venmo:
Now, who is going
to do a bit
of soul journeying
with me, this Sunday
April 3, 2022,
and celebrate
my birthday with me, too?
