Soul Convergence
will be represented by Spellbinding Sherry
at Unicorns Unite Festival 2019
held at the Glory Road Gardens in Lutz, Florida
Nov 8 - Nov 11.
Throughout the event, Sherry will be conducting trinket readings, tarot readings and communications with the dead. Intuitive birth chart interpretations are available too, but folks need to schedule that service ahead, so the chart can be printed before heading to festival. All services are conducted in a private space. If the weather is optimal, Sherry will be selling original art, prints and painting live, too. (services and art are available for every budget)
If you're interested in any of the above work, stop by at the little Jayco pop-up camper in the vendor area, to indulge your soul, share a hug and a smile.
If you're interested in learning more about any of the Soul Convergence doings or want to talk about how readings, soul connections (communication with the dead) and astrology all play a role in our own soulwork, stop by for a chat. Sherry loves to share the stories of the dead with whom she's worked, especially. Just ask.
This venue offers primitive tent camping only. It is a pack-in-pack-out event. Please bring only what you need and tote any trash out with you. To learn more specific details about the Unicorns Unite 2019 Festival, please click on the last link listed below. Thank you.
Glory Road Gardens address is:
21509 Glory Rd, Lutz, Florida 33549
(that last one is the Unicorns Unite 2019 event page)
