Stop with the pity party, please,
if you want to be empowered.
Invest in yourSelf.
For those whom
these words resonate,
it is time to
take charge of your mindset
and choose a focus of intention.
Since this is not innately your skill set
you’ll probably have to work on it.
That’s okay.
Practicing the intention matters
(we all have to begin somewhere).
Be aware of where you can improve
the words skittering around your head
and DO SO.
They’re working, either way.
If you harness them and guide them
they will carry you higher
and deliver you to your destination.
You’ve already given up, released
and cleared away so much.
Now, you can opt to fixate on instability
or you can proclaim your capable foundation
and build on it with confidence.
Which is your desire?
Which is your practice?
You get to choose,
but you are the only one
who can create such change in your life.
