It’s true, and you already know it to be so.
There is an unwellness which must be addressed.
At this time, the best method to do so
is to pay attention to all of the suggestions
of distancing from one another physically.
(You know, you can still connect heartwise)
Protecting yourself means you’re protecting others,
so get comfortable with it.
Actively know you LITERALLY hold the world
and our collective future in your actions.
Stay home if you are able to do so.
Become the sovereignty of your space
and, with grace, thrive,
so that others may do so, too.
Anything less, is just dropping the ball
in a very serious game of life and death.
Even those who expected global change
did not prepare for this.
Even those who are masters of skill
could not see what this would awaken.
Change is present.
Let’s incubate a wellness
so that we can, together,
raise one another’s vibration
with courage.
Practice healthy boundaries
and be aware of the renewal.
Witness this great change
and as uncomfortable as it is,
if you can, be glad
to be here, right now.
