This message today comes in two distinct sections.
The first is for those staying home (thank you):
The scales are lent a greater balance
with the intention of your devotion.
There are certainly ways
to achieve connections
while not working.
This active pause of desires,
can shall deplete the breeding
of what jeopardizes lives.
You're effort is appreciated.
This second portion is for those
who are dedicated to the essential work
which requires them to be vulnerable, exposed
and interactive with society, in person (thank you):
I know you’re drained, depleted so.
This isn’t working out
the way you had once envisioned it might.
You’re aware that folks are wearing blinders,
seemingly shielding themselves from the truths.
You already know that loss is certain.
For this reason though,
the blessing you are receiving is
a greater value on all you have, all you are.
Finally, you are coming to terms
with the sacred role you are fulfilling.
This is your balance of faith.
You are more capable than you imagined.
You are more truthful than you expected.
You are more stable than it seems
and you are certainly, now, a voice of authority.
Carry your own torch.
Look in the mirror
and remember to love yourSelf
more than you love what you do,
even though what you do is important.
You are more than your work,
but, for now, you have
accepted this mantle
of passion, commitment and obligation.
May grace show all of us the Way
and be a constant companion.*
* If you are ready to be comforted and empowered
via an investment in your spiritual Self,
please reach out at
*If you are interested in what your beloved dead have to say,
and would like to have a clear and concise visit with them,
please reach out at
Be well.
Stay healthy.
Remember, healthy folks carried CV19.
If you care one bit for humanity, please,
have mercy on us all and quarantine
if you are able to do so.
